
Contact us

Attract, develop, retain and incentivise

Employees are at the heart of every business. It is therefore vital that businesses are able to recruit, retain and incentivise the best people.

We know that companies who use equity to attract and reward their employees see increased productivity and employee engagement, as the objectives of the business owners and the employees are very clearly aligned.

When employees understand how their role contributes to the success of the business and how that then relates to the equity they hold, it creates collaboration in the workplace, effective performance and a group mindset which is focussed on achieving the business’ goals.

Our approach

We have experience working with clients of all sizes, across multiple sectors, helping them to reward their employees at each level of the business.

We take the time to ensure we understand your business strategy objectives, so we can then design and implement a clear and effective incentive arrangement for you.

Our team are able to support you at every stage of your business’ reward lifecycle, whether you are just starting up or preparing for an exit event transaction, we can work with you to deliver the most efficient solution.

Our services

Design and implementation of: Bespoke equity based incentive arrangements i.e. growth/ flowering shares, ratchet shares etc; HMRC tax advantaged share plans; Share Incentive Plans (SIP); Save as you Earn (SAYE); Company Share Option Plans (CSOP); Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI). Non-tax advantaged share plans

Employee ownership trusts

Management support on transactions covering the incentive arrangements

Equity incentive tax valuations

Employment related securities annual reporting

Corporation tax relief in relation to equity based awards

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Key Contact

Al Milne

Associate Partner


Al is a Chartered Tax Adviser and member of the Association of Taxation Technicians, with 16 years’ experience specialising in the tax aspects of management incentivisation and share schemes.

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Knowledge Articles

Read all of our Share Scheme & Valuation knowledge articles here

Granting EMI options too close to a sale

27 November 2023

Supreme Court’s Decision on Vermilion Holdings Ltd v R&C Commers [2023] BTC 26

10 November 2023

Claritas have their say on the EOT Consultation

9 October 2023

EMI schemes – moving the goal posts

28 June 2023

Earn-out valuations

24 May 2023

Changes to CSOPs

1 April 2023

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Our Solutions

Which area can we help you with?

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Corporate and International Tax

Customs Duty

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Employment Taxes

Grant Funding

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Innovation Reliefs

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Land and Property

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Private Client

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Tax Dispute Resolution

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Transactions Tax

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Venture Capital Tax Reliefs

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Get in touch

To find out more about what we do, please get in touch.

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