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Interested in understanding a little more about a tax issue affecting you or your business? In this section our team share their thoughts, ideas and views on a wide range of topical, tax related subjects, currently making the news.

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Private Client
22 July 2024

Way back in the spring of 2016, the world was a very different place. The referendum was looming but Brexit seemed unlikely. Leicester City were miraculously Premier League champions-elect. COVID…

Private Client
5 December 2023

As a consequence of unpredicted factors affecting the economy in recent years, many businesses found themselves in need of additional funding to meet their cash flow needs. The loans may…

Private Client
13 November 2023

There has been much talk about tax of late, especially in the run up to next week’s Autumn Statement. Coming as it does just over a year after the ‘dramatic’…

Private Client
5 October 2023

As explained here, there has been a significant increase in recent years in individuals considering moving offshore before a business sale as non-UK residents are not subject to UK Capital…

Private Client
31 July 2023

If you are thinking ‘What?!!’ the likelihood is that you are not required to make payments on account. Taxpayers have to make two payments on account towards the final tax…

Private Client
13 July 2023

While many employees have adopted remote or hybrid working practices to avoid the commute or to move out of the city, a small but growing number are looking even further…

Private Client
9 May 2023

But while business owners (other than those selling commemorative coronation curios) may be less pleased at the additional lack of employee productivity during May, perhaps there is another way in…

Private Client
24 March 2023

A company share buy-back, or company purchase of own shares, is often seen by business owners and shareholders as an attractive method of facilitating an exit for a shareholder as…

Private Client
28 February 2023

BADR is a capital gains tax (CGT) relief intended to incentivise individuals to grow and invest in their businesses by reducing the rate of CGT to 10% on material disposals…

Background Gradient

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